Saudia Arabia

The ability to travel here as a tourist has only recently opened up from 2019. It’s always been on the “to do” list and when e-visas were introduced , I got one, but then COVID struck and so had to delay my visit until 2022.

There are many rules that you have to agree to in the KSA, but the one of interest for this website concerns photography.

Essentially it is illegal to take photographs of people directly or indirectly unless you have their permission.

The punishment has been reduced of late from up to 500,000 Riyals and up to 1 year in prison to ‘just’ 1000 Riyals. None the less, this puts a huge restriction on the photographs that can be legally taken.

However in reality, many people are using smartphones to take photographs. Even when not actually taking photographs, I was stopped by the Saudi police as i was near a security location.

The following are the pictures I managed to get, but there were many that I would liked to have taken but decided not to.

Maintenance of the Kingdom tower in Riyadh. (Have to have a head for heights to do this!)

This is Boulevard. A very popular theme park with PC gaming, cinemas, games,music and lots of fast food.

Neon sign in one of rthe gaming areas.

Win a banana or monkey!

Jeddah, located next to the Read Sea. This sign is on the Corniche. Mostly deserted during the day but comes alive at night.

People look on over at the King Fahs Fountain. The tallest in the world, supposedly taller than the Eiffel Tower.

The following shots are taken in the old town. Work is being undertaken to preserve and repair this UNESCO site.

This guy was transporting some bread around .

This is near a market in the old town. The pigeons are fed explaining why so many are here.

Pray time. There are 5 during the day when most shops close for about 20 minutes.

Delivering some melons.

Huge swathes of the city are being demolished for redevelopment.

Rather creepy mannequin in a shop window.

One of a large number of wild cats in Jeddah.